Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"What Is A Saint?"

It's short and simple, and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. It was (of course) written by Dr. Peter Kreeft. Found at Catholic Education Resource Center:
Saints are not freaks or exceptions; they are the standard operating model for human beings.
Because, as Charles Peguy put it, “life holds only one tragedy, ultimately: not to have been a saint."
Saints are not freaks or exceptions. They are the standard operating model for human beings. In fact, in the biblical sense of the word, all believers are saints. “Sanctity” means holiness. All men, women and children, born or unborn, beautiful or ugly, straight or gay, are holy, for they bear the image of God.
Saints are not the opposite of sinners. There are no opposites of sinners in this world. There are only saved sinners and unsaved sinners. Thus holy does not mean “sinless” but “set-apart:” called out of the world to the destiny of eternal ecstasy with God...
I highly recommend you continue reading here.

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